Dr Esther Iñarra
Experiència professional
- Metge especialista en ORL per l’Hospital de Vic (2021-)
- Metge especialista en otorrinolaringologia a Hereford Country NHS Trust a Herefordshire (2020-2021)
- Metge esecialista en ororrinolaringologia a Peterborough City Hospital a UK (2020)
- Metge especialista en otoringologia a York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust a Yorkshire (2020)
- Metge especialista en otorrinolaringologia a Sherwood Forest Hospital NHS Trust a UK (2019-2020)
- Metge espeicialista en otorrinolaringologia a Birminghan City Hospital a UK (2018-2019)
- Rhinology and Anterior Skull Base Fellowship a Sheffield University NHS Trust a UK (2017-2018)
- Metge especialista en otorrinolaringologia per Princess Alexandra Hospital a Essex, UK (2016-2017)
- Metge especialista en otorrinolaringologia a Royal Surrey Country Hospital a UK (2016)
- Metge especialista en otorrinolaringologia per East Surrey Hospital a UK (2014-2016)
- Metge especialista en otorrinolaringologia per Brighton Royal Sussex Country Hospital a UK (2013-2014)
- Metge especialista en otorrinolaringologia per Warrington and Halton Hospital a UK (2012-2013)
- Metge especialista en otorrinolaringologia per Hospital de Galdakao a Bilbao (2011)
Formació acadèmica
- Rotació formativa al departament d’otorrinolaringologia a Auckland City Hospital de Nova Zelanda (2021)
- Especialitat MIR en Otorrinolaringologia per Hospital de Galdakao a Bilbao (2011)
- Llicenciatura en Medicina per Universidad del Pais Vasco (2006)
Cursos i congressos:
- 03/2021. Webinar. Medico-legal implications of Covid-19 and surgery.
- 04/2021. Webinar. Failing intelligently. How we can respond to failure?
- 01/2021. Attendance Virtual ENT Masterclass. Rhinology and facial Plastics.
- 11/2020. Webinar. Positive workplaces.
- 04/2020. Webinar ENT Grand Rounds Online. Aerosols and droplets. Generation and occupational protection during the COVID pandemic.
- 9/2019. Sheffield Facial Plastic Dissection Surgery Course. Sheffield. UK
- 9/2019. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Dissection Course. Sheffield. UK
- 6/2018. Rhinoplasty Dissection Course. Manchester. UK
- 5/2017. British Rhinology Society Annual Meeting. Jersey. Channel Islands. UK
- 3/2016. 13th International Dissection Course in Advanced Sinus Surgery Techniques. AMC. Amsterdam.
- 6/2015. ENT FESS and Rhinoplasty Dissection Course. Barts. London. UK
- 8/2014. ENT Cadaveric Course. Brighton. UK
- 9/2014. Rhinology Simulation Course. Brighton. UK
- 11/2012. Head and Neck imaging course. London. UK
- 5/2012. Temporal Bone surgical Dissection course. Auckland. New Zealand.
- 2/2011. XVII Course of Neck surgery in experimental operating room. La Coruña. Spain.
- 11/2010. Course of surgical anatomy of nasal cavity. Felippu Institute.
- 10/2010. Course of Bioethics. Galdakao. Bilbao.
- 4/2010. Temporal Bone Surgical Dissection Course. Sant Joan de Deu Hospital. Barcelona.
- 1/2010. Course of advanced life support. Galdakao. Spain
- 05/2009. IV course of surgical anatomy of head and neck. University of Madrid
- 11/2008. Course of Vertigo. Valencia.
- 07/2008. XCV Temporal bone surgical dissection course. Garcia Ibañez Otology institute. Barcelona.
- 05/2008. V course of clinic Audiology. San Carlos Hospital. Madrid.
- 04/2008. Course of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Galdakao. Spain
Comunicacions científiques
- What is the National Rate for Post-adenoid Surgery bleeding with return to theatre? Mr Mirza S, Davies P, Inarra e. BACO International Congress
2018 ( Manchester Central, UK ). 4-6 Julio 2018. - Nurse-led Vetting of choose and book referrals. Mr Mirza S, Davies P, Inarra E. BACO International Congress 2018 ( Manchester central, UK ). 4-6
Julio 2018. - Revieweing the clinic letters of ENT trainees to improve training and reduce unnecessary follow ups. Mr Mirza S, Davies P, Inarra E. BACO International Congress 2018 ( Manchester Central, UK ). 4-6 Julio 2018.
- Recurrent epistaxis may be due to an underlying sinonasal tumour. Esther Inarra Unzurrunzaga, Mr Mirza S, Davies P. BACO International Congress 2018 ( Manchester Central, UK ). 4-6 Julio 2018.
- How we do it. Endoscopic pituitary surgery with innovation by Neurosurgeon and Otolaryngologist. Esther Inarra Unzurrunzaga, Mr Mirza S, Davies P. BACO International Congress 2018 ( Manchester Central, UK ). 4-6 Julio 2018.
- Diego Ellite Microdebrider Turbinoplasty in a challenging case. Esther Inarra Unzurrunzaga, Mr Mirza S, Davies P. BACO International Congress 2018 ( Manchester Central, UK ). 4-6 Julio 2018.
- Bilateral Neumocele in parotid glands. Garibi J, Inarra E, Riaño I. 61 National Congress of the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-facial pathology. Valencia, 5-9 November 2010.
- Large Whartin tumor. Gomez R, Inarra E, Iriondo JR. 61 National Congress of the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-facial pathology. Valencia, 5-9 November 2010.
- Sarcoidosis in ORL. Gomez R, Inarra E, Arias N. XXIV ORL Basque Society Congress. Bilbao 26-27 November 2010.
- Bilateral cricoarytenoid ankylosis. Arias N, Gotxi I, Garibi J, Inarra E. XXIV ORL Basque Society Congress. Bilbao 26-27 November 2010. Thyroplasty I. Gomez R, Garibi J, Inarra E. XXIV ORL Basque Society Congress. Bilbao 26-27 November 2010.
- Actinomyces in maxilary sinus. Garibi J, Inarra E, Arias N. XXIV ORL Basque Society Congress. Bilbao 26-27 November 2010.
- Dermoplatisma flap. Inarra E, Iriondo JR, Gomez R. XXIV ORL Basque Society Congress. Bilbao 26-27 November 2010.
- Management of lymph nodes in cutaneous cancer of head and Neck. Oral presentation. Inarra Unzurrunzaga E, Iriondo JR. XXIV ORL Basque Society Congress. Bilbao 26-27 November 2010.
- Transcanalicular DCR with diodo laser. Gomez R, Inarra E. XXIII ORL Basque Society Congress. Vitoria 27-28 November 2009.
- Intraoral lesions in patients with AIDS. Inarra Unzurrunzaga E. XXIII ORL Basque Society Congress. Vitoria 27-28 November 2009.
- Management of complications of fractured temporal bone. Inarra Unzurrunzaga E. XXIII ORL Basque Society Congress. Vitoria 27-28 November 2009.
- Dysphagia and disphonia. Meana N, Inarra Unzurrunzaga E. XXII ORL Basque Congress. Bilbao 21-22 November 2008.
Publicacions científiques
- A rare complication of laparoscopic abdomino pelvic surgery. Addison Alfred, Inarra Unzurrunzaga E. BMJ Case Reports 2014.
- Manual of Otolaryngology in Psychiatry. Chapter V. Pharynx, pharyngeal paresthesia. Iriondo JR, Inarra E. 2013
- Predictive ability of CT to assess cervical lymphadenopathy in head and neck tumors. Journal of Spanish ENT Society. Vol 62, page 443-447. Inarra Unzurrunzaga E, Iriondo JR. November 2011.
- Manual of Vertigo. Anatomy of the Vestibular system. Page 16-25. Inarra Unzurrunzaga E, Rodriguez V. November 2009.